CXL: Facebook Ads For Ecommerce

This course will help you understand the current landscape of the Facebook and Instagram environment, and the things you can do to continue winning in its new era.

Understand what changed with iOS14, how that impacts your data, and how many ecommerce operators are shifting their expectations on valuing Facebook Ads.
How to evaluate the ever-expanding placements where ads can show on Facebook and Instagram, and what they generally accomplish in your marketing efforts.
How to evaluate and plan your creative performance and testing in an era where you have fewer insights than ever before.
Methods for cheaper audience acquisition, audience engagement, and thinking beyond only the conversions goal to build a bigger reach for future sales.

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Program Length

1h 05min


Susan Wenograd

Cohort-Based Course?



1 How iOS14 has affected Facebook Ads, and what you need to understand as an advertiser 2 How to set up tracking and audiences to maximize your targeting 3 Understanding settings, limitations, and account structures in Facebook Ads 4 Creative constructs, organization, and a plan to never run out of testing ideas 5 Going Beyond Conversions to make Campaigns pull double duty

Course Features

Access our library of thousands of marketing playbooks, each showing you how to do a specific marketing task in 10 steps or less, with real-time peer support. Join our community of marketing experts, ready to support you in getting that promotion or master new strategies, skills, and channels. Network with some of the world’s best marketers and companies and get noticed, hired, or endorsed.

Program Format




Who is this course for?

You spend over $30, 000 a month on Facebook ads. You aren’t sure how to value your media spend since in-platform metrics are now more inaccurate than they were. You know you still need to use Facebook and Instagram Ads, but feel frozen in place on how to move forward from the way you used to do it.


$173.09 per seat 1 + 1 seat free Billed per month All prices in USD + tax, where applicable

Financing Options

Annual $ 897.81 per seat 1 + 1 seat free Billed per year All prices in USD + tax, where applicable Quarterly $ 316.84 per seat 1 + 1 seat free Billed per quarter All prices in USD + tax, where applicable

Refund Policy

All plans come with a 7-day refund period. Certain refund requests for Subscriptions may be considered by ConversionXL LLC on a case-by-case basis and granted in sole discretion of ConversionXL LLC. Serial refunders – people who sign up with different email accounts and request refunds for each – will be banned for life.


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